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North Bund International Aviation Forum held in Shanghai


Proceedings gets underway at the international aviation forum in Shanghai. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_01c0f79320c5]

The second North Bund International Aviation Forum, jointly organized by China Eastern Air Holding Co Ltd and the Shanghai Airport Authority, or SAA was held in Shanghai city in East China on Nov 22.

Under the theme "Sharing opportunities of digital economy and co-building a green and smart civil aviation", nearly 150 guests were invited to share their views on topics such as digital transformation, green aviation and smart aviation.

This year's forum was conducted both on-site and online. It included guest speeches, keynote speeches, roundtables and project releases.

Shanghai Vice-Mayor Zhang Wei attended as said in his speech that since the start of the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25), Shanghai had made new progress in optimizing tangible and intangible infrastructure in the civil aviation field.

SAA Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Qin Yun said that the shipping industry was an important guarantee for the development of international trade and an important link between people around the world.

Qin said that over the past year, the SAA had made coordinated efforts in COVID-19 epidemic prevention and controls and reforms and development. He added that it had made positive contributions to unimpeded economic circulation and personnel exchanges, while promoting the construction of infrastructure for an international shipping center.

During the keynote speeches, industry insiders, professionals and experts from China Eastern Air, the SAA, the Civil Aviation Administration of China, Huawei and China University of Political Science and Law, among others, shared their thoughts. They exchanged views on how the construction of an intelligent civil aviation transport system supported and promoted the high-quality development of the civil aviation industry.

In addition, major projects and reports on achievements – such as SAA's achievements in "Green and Double Carbon" community co-building practices – were released.

The aviation forum was one of the parallel forums of the North Bund Forum, co-hosted by the Shanghai municipal government and the Ministry of Transport, which was also held on Nov 11.


The SAA's achievements in "Green and Double Carbon" community co-building practices are released at the forum. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_01c0f79320c5]
