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Pudong Airport building an international service brand

Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) hasmade great achievements in brand building and image promotion by providingsafe, convenient and people-oriented services for passengers from home andabroad.

PVG gained internationalrecognition in terms of full-self-service and passenger services as it wascertificated as “Platinum Airport” by International Air Transport Association(IATA) on May 16, 2018. The certification was the top most level for an IATA “convenienttravel” project.

“Pudong airport passenger service” was alsoincluded in the first batch of “Shanghai Brand” on June 7, 2018. Shanghai istaking efforts to build “four major brands” Shanghai service,made in Shanghai, shopping in Shanghai, and Shanghai culture, whosecertifications are granted in line with international standards and evaluationmethods. 

PVG also received Shanghai MayorQuality Award and Global Performance Excellence Award. It has been committed toestablishing a scientific management system and adhered to high-level standardsin an effort to build an international service brand.

Provide qualified services with creativemeasures

PVG established a complete systemto improve services and made annual plans to make further innovations. Itprioritized the development of self-service and scientific innovation andmanaged to improve service measures and qualities, aiming to meet the differentdemands of the passengers and provide them with better and more convenientservices.  

PVG adopted online taxation system,opened self-service channel for customs clearance, granted self-managementright to taxi pick-up points, installed more Wi-Fi queuing machines, andarranged a series of culture theme activities, such as “Han Chinese ClothingParade” and “A Bite of Pudong Airport”. A multifunctional sightseeing leisurearea was allotted at the departure gates. It also cooperated with hospitals andairlines in opening “green channel for emergency”. Pudong International Airportwas the first airport that established an airport museum and airport artgallery. All of these measures were well received by the passengers.

As of now, passengers at the airport canenjoy self-service check-in, self-service customs clearance and self-servicebaggage check-in. The airport planed to become a smart airport with a “convenienttravel” service chain that covers the links of check-in, security check andboarding.

Refined management creates comprehensiveservices

In 2017, Pudong International Airportreceived more than 70 million passengers, a rapid increase compared to that of60 million in 2015. To handle the increasing number of passengers and maintainits high-level services, the airport started to employ Lean Operation mode in2012. With the advanced management concept and method, it established amanagement system that can help improve efficiency, cut costs and strengthen innovationcapability.

To maximize the benefits for passengers,the airport did a close study on its security, operation and service and madeplans to improve these aspects. It also made efforts to train staff and foster acorporate culture. Shanghai Airport Authority compiled books on how to employlean operation theory on airport operation.

The airport established a batch of servicebrands covering the aspects of information consultation, baggage check-in,security check, parking, taxi pick-up and ground service, to provide full andconvenient services for passengers.

Specific standards for Shanghai brand

To become an international airline hub,Shanghai International Airport has been committed to providing attentiveservices to passengers by international standards.

The airport released the standards for “Shanghaibrand certification of civil aviation airport passenger service” in referenceto Airport Service Quality and the professional standards of civil aviation.The standards included detailed requirements for service quality, serviceenvironment, personnel, equipment and facility, such as luggage trolley, restrooms, terminal buildings, food, shopping, information consultation and taxipick-ups, covering all the links of departure, arrival and transfer.

The airport established a reasonable andscientific management system covering the links of service planning,controlling, evaluation and improvement. It also conducted secret inquiries onpassengers and invited third-party professional companies to make evaluationsin order to provide references for service improvement.

To meet the increasing demands of thepassengers, Pudong International Airport continues to improve its serviceenvironment and quality and building service brands, to help Shanghai improveits core competitiveness.



Shanghai Pudong International Airport holdsconference to mark that it is certificated as “Platinum Airport” byInternational Air Transport Association and included in the first batch of “ShanghaiBrand” on June 12. [Photo/ Shanghai Airport Authority]


The intelligent information consultationterminal in Shanghai Pudong International Airport. [Photo/ Shanghai Airport Authority]


Luggage service provided in Shanghai PudongInternational Airport. [Photo/ Shanghai Airport Authority]
